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Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2020/08/10
Название журнала:Национальная Ассоциация Ученых, Выпуск: 57, Том: 1, Страницы в выпуске: 66-69
Автор: Shlyakhtenko Pavel
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Emeritus, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design,
Анотация: The optical method for controlling the surface density of thin fiber-containing materials is considered. Examples of such materials are semi-finished products of spinning production, condenser paper, proteinaceous sausage casing, optically transparent composite materials, for example, aqueous solutions of cellulose fibers used in the paper industry, or industrial effluents of these enterprises containing optically anisotropic light-transmitting fibers, and the like. . The method consists in the fact that the object under investigation is illuminated through the polarizer with plane polarized light, in which the plane of the light vector rotation is rotated by 45 degrees relative to the machine direction of the material being studied. By the magnitude of the measured luminous flux passing through the analyzer, the optical plane of which is 90 degrees rotated relative to the optical plane of the polarizer, the concentration of fibers in the test material is judged. A diagram of the device according to the method under discussion is given, and its performance has been proved on samples of various fiber-containing materials.
Ключевые слова: natural and chemical fibers; fibrous and fiber containing materials; optical anisotropy; interference of polarized light;

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Список литературы: 1. Patent RF № 2024011 G 01 N 21/86 Sposob kontrolia poverhnostnoi plotnosti slabopogloshaycshih voloknosodergaschih materialov / Shlyakhtenko P.G.,Zinoviev A.V., Gilikova R.P. Opubl. 30.11.94., Бюл. № 22. 2. Pavel Shlyakhtenko Opticheskie methodi kontrolia parametrov voloknosodergiaschih materialov. Kontrol strukturi tekstilnih materialov: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG. – 2012. – 347 s. 3. Patent RF № 1483344 G01 N 21/86. Ustroistvo dlia kontrolia fizicheskih paramerrov dviguchihsia ploskih voloknistih svetopropuskayshih materialov / Shlyakhtenko P.G.,Surikov O.M., Тruevtsev N.N. I dr. Opubl. 30.05.89, Bul. № 20.