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Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2020/06/15
Название журнала:Национальная Ассоциация Ученых, Выпуск: 55, Том: 3, Страницы в выпуске: 29-35
Автор: Salamov O.M.
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, assistant professor , Institute of Radiation Problems , city Baku
Автор: Salmanova F.A.
Dr. of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, assistant professor , Institute of Radiation Problems , city Baku
Автор: Aliyev F.F.
Dr. of Philosophy in Technical Sciences , International Ecoenergy Academy , city Baku
Анотация: The present study reveals the environmental consequences of the use of conventional fuels and perspectives for the production of biogas (BG) from different types of biomass (BM) and organic waste (OW) by fermentation have been investigated. For this purpose, a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the suitable BM and OW types is carried out. A comparative analyzes about the chemical composition of BM and OW, as well as heat transfer ability (HTA) were performed. Detailed information about the importance of the production of biogas from sewage waste is also provided.
Ключевые слова: conventional fuels; altenative fuels; heat transfer ability; biomass; organic waste; sewage waste; biogas; biomethane; carbon dioxide; fermentation;
Данные для цитирования: Salmanova F.A. Aliyev F.F. . PERSPECTIVES OF BIOGAS PRODUCTION FROM DIFFERENT TYPES OF BIOMASS AND ORGANIC WASTE (29-35). Национальная Ассоциация Ученых. Проблемы Технических наук. 2020/06/15; 55(3):29-35

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Список литературы: 1. O.M.Salamov, Q.M.Atamoghlanova. Perspectives and comparison of conventional and nonconventional fuels. Scientific works of AzTU, No. 4, 2018, p. 100-108. 2. I.A.Mazanov. Journalism and global problems of modern times. “Baku univeristy” press, 2013, 416 p. 3. F.G.Aliyev, A.B.Badalov, E.M.Huseynov, F.F.Aliyev. Ecology. Textbook, Baku, “Science”, 2012, 828 p. 4. Salamov O.M., Garibov A.A. and Sultanova K.D. Improvoment of Efficiency of the Solar-Assisted Production of a Combustible Gas Mixture from Biomass. Applied Solar Energy, Vol.51, No.4, p.p. 322-327. 5. O.M.Salamov. Perspectives of alternative fuel production from different biomass types and wastes. Power Engineering Problems, 2018, No.2, p.43-52 6. O.M. Salamov, F.F. Aliyev. Perspectives for alternative fuel production from various types of biomass and waste in Azerbaijan. International scientific journal "Alternative Energy and Ecology" No. 01-03 (285-287) 2019, p.25-41.