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DOI: 10.31618/nas.2413-5291.2020.1.56.239
Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2020/07/14
Название журнала:Национальная Ассоциация Ученых, Выпуск: 56, Том: 1, Страницы в выпуске: 70-72
Автор: Koroleva Svetlana
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Linguistics University, c.Nizhny Novgorod
Автор: Malinovsky Maxim
Анотация: The article is devoted to the problem of differentiation between justified and unjustified borrowings from English in Russian environmental term system. The article formulates a methodology of harmonizing ecological terminology. To do so we check if a borrowing has a synonymous traditional term.
Ключевые слова: ecological term system; the French language; the English language; the Russian language; adoption; assimilation; English borrowings;
Данные для цитирования: Malinovsky Maxim . THE TERMINOLOGY OF ECOLOGY IN FRENCH, ENGLISH, RUSSIAN LANGUAGES IN THE UN DOCUMENTATION: TRANSLATION ASPECT (70-72). Национальная Ассоциация Ученых. Проблемы Филологических наук. 2020/07/14; 56(1):70-72 10.31618/nas.2413-5291.2020.1.56.239

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